We have thousands of award options for you to choose from. You can browse our most popular ranges in the catalogues below.

Please do call us for prices, leadtimes and for advice if you’re a little overwhelmed by choice!

Are you in a rush?
We hold a small selection of our most popular trophies in stock at our store in Chippenham. Call us to find out what we have available.

Mahogany Shields

Available as individual awards and multi-years up to a maximum of 50 years! Engraving and a logo domed disc is included.

Cast Metal Cups

Available in a range of sizes and in silver or gold effect polished metal with a black base, these budget-friendly cups are our most popular and can be engraved on the cup bowl as well as the base to offer many years of use.


We have a range of medals in stock, along with coloured ribbons and cases. We will turn your medal into your own design and we can further personalise them with our engraving service.